Thursday, December 16, 2010

Saving Money on Babies and Toddlers: Activities

At this age, most children don't take much to be entertained. Here are a few things you can do to save some money.
  • Find a playgroup. It provides some great adult conversation and usually the places they go are cheap or free. You might discover some fun parks that way.
  • Playgrounds/Parks. These are obviously fun for toddlers, but they can be a great place to go for a walk with a baby in the stroller. Babies love to look at the things that surround them.
  • Libraries. Many libraries offer reading time or other baby/toddler age activities.
  • Neighborhood Walking. It can be fun to walk around the neighborhood and point at trees, animals, and all sorts of sights.
  • Check your memberships. If you have memberships to any organization, check to see what perks they have. Some gyms offer free childcare or even Mommy and Me type classes. 
  • Check your local parks and recreation. These often offer classes for mother and child or classes for older toddlers. These can range from movement, art, or music, and are usually cheap or free.
Basically, don't go crazy on activities at this age, most babies/toddlers are happy to just explore the world!
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