Here is the match-ups:
(4) Glade Spring Candles BOGO $3.49
-(2) $2/2 from BzzAgent Booklet
-(2) $1/2 from Yellow Advantage Buy Flier
(2) Publix Greenwise Milk $4.29
-(1) $1/1 Publix Baby Club
(1) Pedigree Dog Food $12.99
-(1)$3/1 HERE
-(1)$2/1 Pet Club HERE
(1)Watermelon $3.12
(1) Calla Lily $6.50 (All Mother's Day flowers and plants were 50% off at my store)
-$10 Publix Gift Card
Michelle over at iheartpublix has the new ad up, you can find it HERE.
A few good things, but I haven't had a chance to give it a big once over.