Thursday, June 24, 2010

Frugality- What does that mean? Vocab and abbreviations for the world of couponing.

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The very first time I went to some of my favorite sites I found myself feeling overwhelmed because I just did not understand half of the stuff they were talking about. There were so many different terms and abbreviations for everything. So that is what I'm going to discuss today, and hopefully then you will be in the know from now on.
Common Terms
  • Manufacturer's Coupon- a coupon from a manufacturer. Has a barcode and usually is labeled manufacturer's coupon
  • Store Coupon- a coupon for a specific store
  • Publix Coupon- A type of store coupon. A coupon put out by Publix. Usually has L.U. and a series of numbers on it
  • Competitor's Coupon- a coupon from another store that is not a manufacturer's coupon. Usually says things like "Target coupon" or "Winn-Dixie Coupon." Some stores, like Publix, accept competitor's coupons (you will need to ask your specific store if they accept competitor's coupons)
  • Printable Coupon- a coupon printable from the internet. Most have security features built in to them.These can be manufacturer's, store, or competitor's coupons.
  • Blinkie- a coupon found in a machine at the store. It usually has a blinking light on it
  • Tear pad- a coupon found on a tear pad most often in front of the product
  • Peelie- a coupon usually found on the package that peels off
  • Hang-tag- a tag hanging from the product (most often found on beverages and cleaning supplies)
  • Bricks- usually refers to a type of internet printable hosted by
  • Freebies- an item you can get for free, either through coupons or samples
  • Overage- when the value of the coupons is more than the cost of the item. This overage of money can be applied to other groceries.Your store may or may not allow overages.
  • Match-ups- a match-up of coupons to sale items.
  • Stockpiling- stocking up on an item at it's lowest point in an effort to only buy items at the lowest they will go.
  • Stacking- stacking two coupons of different types  on top of each other. Usually it is a manufacturer and a store coupon
  • Doubling- when a store doubles the amount of the coupon
  • Catalina- coupons that print out with receipt. Not found at all grocery stores.

  • SS- Smartsource, one of the main newspaper inserts
  • RP- RedPlum, on of the main newspaper inserts
  • PG- Proctor and Gamble, a manufacturer. Usually has an insert once a month, also has special offers and freebies from time to time. 
  • BOGO or B1G1- Buy one get one. Depending on your store you will either have a "true BOGO" where one item rings up free or a half off BOGO where you can buy one item for half off of the original price.
  • $X/X- the amount of money off of the an amount of products. For example $1/1 means $1 off 1 product. $1/2 means a $1 off two products.
  • $X off a $XX purchase- a coupon for money off the entire purchase. For example $5 off a $25 purchase. Usually means before coupons.
  • MIR- mail in rebate. This means you receive a rebate in either a check or gift card buy sending in specific things to a company.
  • IP- internet print, see above for definition
  • MFR- manufacturer coupon, see above for definition
  • OOP- out of pocket, how much money you actually spent
  • WYB- when you buy. For example $1 off milk wyb cookies.
  • Q- coupon
Are there any terms or abbreviations you want to know? Please comment to let me know, and I'll be sure to find out. Next week I will talk about some of the basics of coupon usage.
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